Bounder Buddies

17 Beagles and Bassets are looking for some special Aunties and Uncles to be their buddies. By signing up as a Bounder Buddy you are helping to fund the medical and other needs of your chosen Bounder.

Being a Bounder Buddy is a commitment to sponsor your chosen Bounder for a year. Should your Bounder go to the bridge we will let you know and if you like you can transfer your sponsorship to another Bounder. You can choose a monthly donation of either $25, $50 or $100.

You will receive a welcome gift, an update on your Bounder at least quarterly, VIP pass to our live events (beginning spring 2024) and a mention on our website. But most of all you will get the great feeling of knowing you contributed to Senior Houndsabound, Inc. to help support your chosen Bounder.

To enroll in the Bounder Buddy program just click on the Bounder Buddy icon. The you can select the Bounder you want to sponsor from the drop down menu and the amount you want to donate monthly. If you’d like to pay for the year in advance or want to pay by check just let us know. We are happy to work with you! Send a message to Your credit card will be automatically charged each month.

To learn more about the Bounders, visit:

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